Spicy Black Bean, Green Chili, & Manchego Enchiladas

Heather, my teacher hippie friend with the most messy blonde hair that you will ever regret not having, and I met in 2006 at a camp for girls aged 9 and 10 in Northern California. She was working as a stand-in lifeguard while I was the girl’s counselor. It was her very first day, and I didn’t want her to be alone. I went over and introduced myself. We quickly became friends after a few exchanges. We shared a passion for blueberries, oatmeal, and big hair. The rest is now history.

A recent incident is another new story about a best friend that I love to share. John and I had been looking for a new apartment about a week ago. We had called and scheduled a 3:30 meeting and arrived on time. The realtor greeted us as we walked in, along with another couple that had also been promised an appointment at 3:30.

It would have been awkward if John had said that the room was large enough to “go splitsies” on, but we laughed like old friends.

Since then, I can tell you that we have been “hanging out” ever since. It may not have been our “best friend” status yet, but I am working towards it. In just four weeks, I can only do so much to create a bond.

Our new friends from Ohio moved to our area and bought a large house just down the road from our duplex. John’s brilliant idea was to bring them dinner when they arrived with no food, furniture, or dishes. How come I didn’t think of it in my food blogger hostess glory?

Enchiladas * is simple, portable, affordable, and will please a crowd. I chose black beans, green chilis, and Manchego to keep the filling vegetarian. To avoid gluten, I decided to use corn tortillas, which was my first time using them.

They were delicious and very filling, even though they came out a bit soggy. I did not drench the tortillas in hot oil prior to rolling them up, as I had read that it was a complicated process. You can avoid this by choosing flour tortillas. (See my notes below). Ours were served with grilled fajita onions and peppers, as well as a little more sour cream. They were delicious. John got seconds and sour cream, saying a lot because he usually only eats one.

We dined on paper plates in a nearly empty living room and with wine in a Dixie cup. We dined very well. These savory beauties were served with chips, salsa, and wine. I hope that our guests felt welcome; we certainly hope they feel welcome now that they are hundreds of miles away from “home.” I recommend making these Enchiladas and sharing them with new and old friends. I think they will love you. Promise.


  • Twelve small tortillas made from corn or flour (I recommend flour).
  • One 15-ounce black bean can (drained and rinsed).
  • Green chili dice in a 4-ounce can
  • Red enchilada Sauce (such as Las Palmas), 28 oz.
  • Manchego cheese, plus more for topping (or substitute Cotija, Pepper Jack or Manchego)
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt or light sour cream

Topplings optional

  • Green onion diced
  • Cilantro
  • Grilled vegetables fajita
  • Avocado
  • Salsa
  • Sour cream


  • Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C) and place a rack in the center of the oven.
  • Mix black beans, green chiles, sour cream, and Manchego in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste if you wish. Cumin is also a great addition, but it’s fine without it. Set aside.
  • In a large, shallow pan at low-medium temperature, warm the enchilada salsa. Tumedium heat.
  • Pour a small amount to lightly coat the bottom of a 9×13-inch dish (adjust pan sizes if you are changing batch size).
  • Then, flip the tortilla over to coat it on both sides. Add 2 Tbsp black bean filling, then roll. Continue to fill the pan with 10-12 enchiladas, as per the original recipe. Continue to add more enchilada reheated sauce to the baking pan to coat the tortillas lightly.
  • Add a little more enchilada dipping sauce to the top of each enchilada (adding too many sauces can make them soggy).
  • Add a little more cheese on top and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese bubbles.
  • Serve with toppings like avocado, guacamole, or salsa. You can also add sour cream, green onions, cilantro, sour cream, or fajita vegetables.
  • The food will be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. Reheat with oven or microwave.

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